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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Board Meeting

Monday, February 1, 2010

We had our first real board meeting with the new board of directors last week.  I say real because they have met one other time, but it was more of an introduction to the organization.  We didn't do all of the financial reports, committee reports, etc.  I am so excited to be working with this board.  Not only because everytime people hear who serves on the board we get a very surprised reaction about the caliber of the board for such a new organization, but because they are engaged, asking really good questions, and are providing helpful feedback. 

I am also thankful that they are taking the responsibility of participating financially seriously.  We had members bring about $10,000 to the meeting.  This helps us credibility when we ask others for funding.  It is so important for board members to participate in the fundraising function of the organization. 


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