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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Get Ready for Park and Recreation Month In July

Thursday, May 27, 2010

July is Park and Recreation Month!

Celebrate, Advocate, Recreate!

Since 1985, America has celebrated July as the nation's official Park and Recreation month. This year's theme is "Celebrate, Advocate, Recreate!" NRPA is encouraging members, agencies, and citizens to plan events and initiatives that remind local decision makers and the community of the exciting and vital role that parks and recreation play in our lives.

2010 "This is how we recreate!" Social Media Project

Show and share with America why parks and recreation are important to you, the community, and the U.S.! NRPA is encouraging individuals across the country to participate in the association's 2010 "This is how we recreate!" Social Media Project.

Print out the social media sign, available in the 2010 Park and Recreation Month Tool Kit, and take pictures of yourself, your family members, and your friends in any park or recreation facility. Post the images on all of your favorite social media sites with "July is Park and Recreation Month!" in the header, and help create a massive buzz throughout the country!


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