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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

New Chapter for Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In March of 2009, the Greenspoint District hired me to carry out dual roles.  In addition to my responsibilities for the District, I was given the charge of drawing on my ten years of non-profit experience to lay the ground work for an organization that could function independently.  Thanks to the dedication of countless volunteers, we did just that.  The organization has grown from an entity with $35,000 in the bank to one that has secured $3M in cash and in-kind contributions.  It has diversified its funding stream attracting memberships, corporate donations, and grants.  A master plan is close to completion and award-winning projects are on the ground.  It is time GBCC benefited from an executive director that can dedicate 100% of his/her time to helping the organization reach the next level of maturity. 

At the October board of directors meeting the board voted unanimously to appoint Jill Boullion, our current development director, to the position of executive director, effective January 1, 2012.  I cannot be more pleased.  Jill came to us through a Houston Endowment grant and has had tremendous success both in the responsibilities assigned to her and those traditionally reserved for the executive director.  She brings a wealth of strengths gained from running her own business and working for a local chamber of commerce.  Additionally, her residence within the Greens Bayou watershed makes these issues near and dear to her heart.

As for me?  I will transition to 100% economic development for the Greenspoint District.  With the importance of flood control to our local businesses I look forward to contributing my time as a volunteer on GBCC's public policy subcommittee and other items where my expertise can be helpful. 

It has been an honor to serve this organization in its formative years and the friendships I have been privileged to make are ones I cherish dearly.  Thank you for allowing me to be part of this great effort.

Regina Lindsey


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