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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

North Reach of Greens Bayou Gets First Clean-Up

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday, April 14th was a bright, sunny (but windy) day on Greens Bayou and the GBCC welcomed about 75 volunteers to hold the first clean-up of The Coalition's North Reach. The project tackled 1.5 miles of bayou beginning at Veterans Memorial Drive and ending at Greens Parkway. Staged at the New Light Christian Center Church on Greensmark the event unfolded perfectly after the targeted bayou segment was mowed for the event by Harris County Flood Control.

Church volunteers, National Honor Society students from Spring Westfield High, corporate teams and utility district directors all pitched in to pick up litter, tires and large trash from in and around the bayou. A special thanks to the following: East Aldine District, Greenspoint District, Waste Management, CDM Smith, Harris County Emergency Corps, and Montgomery & Barnes.

The volunteer planning committee of Ann-Toinette Johnson-Preston, Cherie Cross, Tom Gall, Carrie Patterson and Grace Cervin deserves a real pat on the back for making the day run like clockwork. Stay tuned... we'll be back in the North Reach cleaning the next segment before you know it!


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