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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Lifestyle Effects On Chronic Illnesses

Monday, January 25, 2010

I attended two events last week that really opened my eyes to the benefits of parks and trails as it relates to healthy lifestyles.  It was really an eye opener. 

When I was young it was very rare that you ran across someone that had diabetes.  Children with diabetes was almost unheard of.  That trend is changing.  By the time my youngest daughter was in middle school, in a class with approximately 200 students, there were four classmates diagnosed with diabetes.  Two of them relied on pumps to regulate their insulin.  Even though two of them were in my girl scout troops it never really hit me that there has been a real spike in diabetes diagnosis. 

While the girls I knew did not have weight issues, the stories we heard last week at the Quality of Life Coalitions' symposium last week illustrated the significance of the American lifestyle on our health.  I think the story that really hit home for me was the story of an immigrant family from Cambodia.  Dr. Siripoom McKay from Baylor College of Medicine showed us a picture of a family with three children.  The parents and oldest daughter were born in Cambodia and spent much of their life there.  The youngest two children were born in American and lived a typical American lifestyle.  The differences in weight were astounding.  The youngest son, at 16, is now dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease.  Dr. McKay works with families to connect them to park and trails facilities in their neighborhood to encourage physical activity.

The second event I attended was Leadership North Houston session on Health & Human Services.  In addition to hearing from medical professionals on the impacts of our weight on our health, we saw a heart valve replacement surgery at Ben Taub.  The patient was very heavy. 

It was an interesting week.  I obviously always knew that weight impacted a person's health. It was just interesting to see it from a couple of different perspectives this week. the husband and I bought bicycles this week.

Great Meeting With Houston Endowment!

Friday, January 15, 2010

OK....1st things 1st.  I grew up in Downtown Houston at Main 2016 (yes.....I was there when they filmed Urban Cowboy for all you native Houstonians) and the explosion of Downtown Houston just amazes me.  Houston Endowments offices are in the JP Morgan Chase Building, which is the tallest building downtown.  It is quite a navagational feat to get to the 64th floor.  First you have to find the elevator bank that takes you to the 60th floor then you search for the bank of elevator bank that takes you to higher.  I got dizzy when I stepped off the elevator, and I wasn't even close to a window. 

The meeting with Houston Endowment went incredibly well.  You know how when you are busy in the day to day routine of work, and you wonder if your are on the right track?  Working with a new organization that's how I have often felt.  We received so many compliments on "the strategic nature" of our work.  Elizabeth Love, our grants manager, really reaffirmed that we are on the right track.  From the early foundation, to pursuing the National Park Service grant for assistance in master planning, to the composition of the board makeup, to SWOT Analysis it appears we have been getting it right.  I feel very encouraged about our prospects in success with Houston Endowment.  It is still a long process but looks like we are on the right track. 

Meeting with the Houston Endowment

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of the things new non-profits deal with is the uncertainty of finding funding.  This is even more true today in light of the recession.  I have to say we have been fortunate at Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition because we have are receiving grants from programs that will lend to our credibility.  We have a big meeting today with the Houston Endowment as part of the next phase of their review process.  The Houston Endowment has a record of assisting newer organizations and we are thankful to have reached this stage in discussion. There is still a long way to go, but at least they are still talking to us! 


Pieces Coming Together For Major Sports Complex in Greenspoint Area

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

With the possibility of additional recreational opportunities at Glen Forrest Basin north of Greens Road and adjacent to I-45 North and a new skateboard park to be developed by the Greenspoint Redevelopment Authority, Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program funding will allow the development of a trail that extends the current trail at Wussow Park and connects future recreational opportunities. Recently, Texas Department of Transportation approved $2.9M for Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition (GBCC) and Greenspoint District to pursue that opportunity.  Additionally, stakeholders such as North Houston Alliance-Greenspoint Inercontinental Airport (NHAGIA) and Greenspoint Community Partners (GCP) recognize its importance and have contributed to the effort.  NHAGIA, recognizing the importance of a comprehensive sports complex, donated $25,000 to the effort.  Area hotels feel that the proximity of Greenspoint to the airport, with easy access from I-45, make Greenspoint the ideal location for hosting tournaments and events.  Commissioner El Franco Lee's office is providing the pedestrian bridge to the effort.  With growing inquiries from the private sector in how they can participate, GBCC is meeting with Clark Condon Associates to explore opportunities for sponsorship recognition along the trail system.  If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity contact Regina Lindsey at 281-874-2137.

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