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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Grants from Union Pacific and Cigna Healthcare to Fund GBCC Initiatives

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition has recently received notification of two grant awards. The Union Pacific Foundation will grant The Coalition $5000 to be used for educational outreach programs. On May 9th the Coalition will welcome Candice Pauley as the Manager of Volunteer Programs. Part of her charge will be outreach to the seven school districts and two community college systems in the Greens Bayou watershed. A partnership with San Jacinto College-North Campus biology department is already underway.

A grant award of $5000 was received from Cigna Foundation. Cigna's grant will help fund community gardens at Ida Gaye Gardens in the Coalition's North Reach. During pre-construction meetings with residents of the nearby Langwick Senior Apartments we learned that the residents had an interest in growing some of their own herbs and vegetables. The gardens will be constructed as raised beds so that someone of limited mobility or in a wheel chair can access them.

We are grateful for the support of these two foundations and look forward to beginning these initiatives!


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