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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

KBR Makes Donation to Coaltion

Monday, April 26, 2010

We were excited to have representatives from KBR at our quarterly board meeting on Thursday, April 22.  Richard Jennings and Eric Hall presented The Coalition with a $10,000 check and Mr. Jennings shared KBR's giving history.  It was exciting to hear the work KBR is involved in and to realize we were selected with these other causes.  We are definitely in good company and appreciative of the recognition by such a good corporate citizen.  Thanks KBR!

Association of Water Board Developers Annual Conference

Monday, April 12, 2010

Several of our committee members have recommended that we get involved with Association of Water Board Directors (AWBD).  The recommendation we hear over and over is to attend its Annual Conference and host a reception.  With over 2,000 directors in attendance we decided that would be a good opportunity to visit more in depth about our work.  We now have details on this event.  We are looking forward to visiting with directors at a reception on Friday, June 18, 2010, 6pm at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio.  If you offer professional services to Municipal Utility Districts (MUD) and would like to sponsor the event click here for details.  If you are a MUD with an interest in Greens Bayou call Treena Dockery at 281-874-2146 to RSVP.

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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition