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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Association of Water Board Directors

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Coalition hosted its first reception at the AWBD Annual Meeting July 18, 2010, at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio.  This was a great opportunity to thank our member MUD's and visit with potential members on our work.  Using maps provided by LJA, we were able to walk directors through each of the reaches, show how the projects connect to the overall planned system, and benefit their district. 

We would like to thank our sponsors: Advantage Water Management, Century Engineering, Inc., Johnson, Radcliffe, Petrov & Bobbitt PLLC, RVi Planning Landscape Architecture, and TERRA Renewal.

We would also like to thank those who donated door prizes:  Marky Kay consultants Debbie Berry and Dawn Moore, Greenspoint Club, and hoteliers:  Doubletree IAH, Park Inn, and Greenspoint Hilton.

I owe a personal thank you to Amy Craig, Rhea Davis, Treena Dockery, and Jocklynn Keville for their assistance in the days leading up to the event. 

Unusual Palm

Monday, June 7, 2010

On Friday, June 4, members from Texas Forest Service met with representatives from Bayou Preservation Association and Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition. The issue at hand is the identification of an unusual palm with suspected off-shoots growing on-site of the proposed canoe launch park.  This unusually large palm (10 ft) has everyone stumped.  Is it a new species or the Texas champ? First noticed by Eric Ruckstuhl, Eyes on the Bayou for Bayou Preservation Association, a variety of expert opinions have been sought.  After visiting with Professor Landon Lockett at University of Texas and Texas Forest Service we will now take steps to do genetic testing to determine if this is in fact a new species.  If not, all indications suggest this would be the largest Sabal Louisiana in Texas.

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Greenspoint Property
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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition