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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Coalition Receives Houston Endowment Funding

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Coalition has learned the Houston Endowment has approved two proposals submitted by The Coalition.  The first proposal requested funding to assist in The Coalition's efforts to develop a master plan along the watershed.  Initial funding for this effort comes from National Parks Service.  Houston Endowment's funds specifically allows LJA Engineering to create a GIS platform that increases the ability to receive public input in the planning process.  The second proposal allows The Coalition to hire a development director.  The total award is $70,000.

The Coalition recognizes the importance of this achievement not only in terms of increasing and diversifying its funding, but in receiving approval from such a respected foundation.  We appreciate the assistance Elizabeth Love provided in preparation for formal submittal and Houston Endowment's board of directors for their confidence in our work.

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