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Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition Blog

Get Ready for Park and Recreation Month In July

Thursday, May 27, 2010

July is Park and Recreation Month!

Celebrate, Advocate, Recreate!

Since 1985, America has celebrated July as the nation's official Park and Recreation month. This year's theme is "Celebrate, Advocate, Recreate!" NRPA is encouraging members, agencies, and citizens to plan events and initiatives that remind local decision makers and the community of the exciting and vital role that parks and recreation play in our lives.

2010 "This is how we recreate!" Social Media Project

Show and share with America why parks and recreation are important to you, the community, and the U.S.! NRPA is encouraging individuals across the country to participate in the association's 2010 "This is how we recreate!" Social Media Project.

Print out the social media sign, available in the 2010 Park and Recreation Month Tool Kit, and take pictures of yourself, your family members, and your friends in any park or recreation facility. Post the images on all of your favorite social media sites with "July is Park and Recreation Month!" in the header, and help create a massive buzz throughout the country!

Businesses Can Connect With MUD's

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Plans are coming together for our reception at Association of Water Board Director's (AWBD) Annual Conference on Friday, June 18, 6pm at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio.  We appreciate Johnson, Radcliffe, Petrov, & Bobbitt and Terra Renewal 's sponsorship of this event.  Sponsorships are still available.  Click here for more information.

We are also looking for door prizes.  We have a Wii with Sports Resort package as one of the prizes.  The plan is to set up the canoe program for the event and allow guests to race each other.  I'm looking forward to watching that!  If you have items you would like to donate please call Treena Dockery at 281-874-2146.

Sponsorship and door prizes are two great ways to get your name in front of directors of these MUD's. 

Invitations should be complete and will go out next week.

Regional Waste Water Treatment Facility

Monday, May 3, 2010

By nature economic development project are sensitive.  So, we don't have the opportuity to talk about them until after a public announcement has been made.  We can, however, talk about one project.  The unincorporated areas of the ship channel do not offer waste water treatment.  Businesses are responsible for treatment on site through septic or package plants.  This cuts into a business' bottom line and hampers attraction efforts.  After all who wants to handle to their own waste water?  The  Economic Alliance Houston Port Region, the Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition, Gulf Coast Waste Disposal AuthorityLJA Engineering, and The Port of Houston Authority are moving forward with feasibility study to look at a regionlized waste water treatment facility for over 20,000 acres.  As we move closer to the opening or the Panam Canal, Houston needs to be prepared for increased economic development activity.  Greens Bayou Corridor Coalition is glad to be part of the preparation.

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